St Andrew’s and All Saints Online:
Our Contemporary Service for Sunday 30th May 2021.
Continuing the series “Promises of God” with “The Promise of the Spirit”
Reading: John 14: 15-27
Led by Barry Austin with Rev David Ritchie preaching.
We hope you enjoy the service.
Young Families:
We’ve not got any children’s ministry on this week, but instead, why not watch last week’s Thy Kingdom Come All Age Service with the Cheeky Panda’s – from the Church of England. It is great and well worth a watch. You can watch it on YouTube by clicking here.
Coffee & Chat after the service
We’d love you to join us for ‘Coffee and Chat’ on Zoom after the service from 11:45 for St Andrew’s and from about 11:45 for All Saints. Details of the chat calls are on our weekly mailing.
If you are a visitor and would like to find out more about St Andrew’s & All Saints…
We’d like to connect up with you and meet you. Please use the ‘Connect With Us’ function on the front page of the website and we’ll get back to you as soon as possible.