Peter Myres talks about “Gods Promises” during the 10:45 All Age Worship service at St Andrew’s on Sunday 17th March 2019
Peter Myres talks about “Gods Promises” during the 10:45 All Age Worship service at St Andrew’s on Sunday 17th March 2019
Peter Buchanan continues our series ‘God Blesses by… His promise to’ at All Saints from Psalm 2 and Genesis 12:1-5.
Dave Bruce preaches on “Our God who blesses by … …Leading us through the wilderness” at the 10:45 service at St Andrew’s on Sunday 10th March 2019
Jo Hartwright preaches on “..Opening the door to Heaven” as part of the “Our God who blesses by ..” series of sermons at the 10:45 service at St Andrew’s on Sunday 3rd March 2019
Jo Hartwright preaches on “..Opening the door to Heaven” as part of the “Our God who blesses by ..” series of sermons at the 09:00 service at St Andrew’s on Sunday 3rd March 2019
Dave Bruce talks about ‘Sowing Generously’ (Time, Talent and Treasure) at the 10:45 service at St Andrew’s on Sunday 24th February 2019. Dave actually gave three talks and these have been edited together into a single video, a single audio and a single PDF handout of the viewfoils.