LENT… A Chance to reflect on our journeys… and have an MOT!
As a church we’d love to invite all of us this Lent, to take a little time out with God, to reflect on our discipleship journey. Every year we take our cars for an MOT to check them over and do some maintenance where necessary, so why not also this year give yourself a ‘Discipleship MOT’?
Whether we feel ‘stuck’ or whether we are excited about what God has been doing, or somewhere in between, this is a chance for each of us to offer ourselves to God afresh and allow him to continue to grow us and transform us. We encourage you to use the MOT however it best works for you – some will find it useful to take a chunk of time out to go through it all step by step, for others all God might want you to reflect on is the first question! So be open to the prompting of the Holy Spirit and use it however it best suits you.
You can download the ‘Discipleship MOT’ which can be downloaded here: 2023 Discipleship MOT or picked up from the back of church.
We’ve provided some blank spaces for you to make notes of your reflections. You might also like to refer to the ‘Discipleship Journey’ sheet for next steps.
Discipleship 1-2-1
In addition, we’re offering the chance to have a ‘Discipleship 1-2-1’ – a chance to meet informally with a ‘reflector’ or ‘accompanier’ to reflect on your MOT, or to just chat and prayerfully share anything you want about your discipleship journey. If you would like to book in for a ‘Discipleship 1-2-1’ then email Dave [rector@standrewsandallsaints.org] and we’ll set that up for you.
You can feedback anything that you want to share via the Church Feedback Sheet which can be downloaded here.
Why not give it a go? Whether you are a new Christian, a stuck Christian or someone who is really growing and stepping out in your faith, this is a chance to be open to God this Lent!