All Saints is a warm, relaxed, and friendly church. We love welcoming new people, whether visitors or new members, and pride ourselves on making people feel at home.

You can view recordings of our services on our St Andrew’s and All Saints YouTube channel at link:

We have a regular congregation of about 40 people for our 10am service on a Sunday, making for a more intimate and personal experience. We have a broad range of styles in leading, preaching and praying, with Holy Communion taking place most weeks. Our music is a combination of traditional and contemporary with some services featuring our wonderful organ. Our blended worship combines a standard Anglican (Common Worship) style with freer worship.

All Saints services are often contemplative and reflective, with times of silence and stillness to help us connect with God on a deeper level. We also hold several one-off days such as quiet days, as well as regular events such as ‘The Waiting Room’, an hour each month on the third Wednesday at 7pm to be still and come to the Lord in the silence. Four times a year we host a 6pm Sunday DEEPER service with St Andrews, our partner church.

The music team at the 10:30 service




Craft time at Messy Church





We are closely integrated with the local community and have strong links with our two local church schools, Malvern Wells Primary School, and the Wyche Primary School located next door to the church; both come into the church regularly for services. These schools supply most of our participants at Messy Church, which has been running successfully at All Saints for many years, currently on the third Thursday afternoon of every month.

We also have a thriving Toddler Group meeting on a Thursday morning, which is regarded by many who attend as ‘the best Toddler Group in Malvern.’

Our organ was recently restored. It was an innovative design a century ago and is now the only one of its type remaining in the UK. Edward Elgar is believed to have played the organ when he lived nearby.

All Saints was built at the beginning of 20th century on the edge of the Hills, designed by Troyte Griffith, a friend of the composer Edward Elgar. In addition to a beautiful carved reredos and glorious east windows, the building is spacious and open, and provides an ideal space for lots of different activities, including craft days, prayer meetings, and away-days. We have lovely grounds with spectacular views, offering spaces for quiet contemplation or an opportunity for keen gardeners!