Derham Cook talks ‘After the resurrection’ as the last in the ‘Our God of suffering and rescuing’ series of sermons at the 10:45 service at St Andrew’s on Sunday 28th April 2019.
Derham Cook talks ‘After the resurrection’ as the last in the ‘Our God of suffering and rescuing’ series of sermons at the 10:45 service at St Andrew’s on Sunday 28th April 2019.
Isaac Wills brings us our last sermon in the Easter series. From John 20:19-end at the 10:30am service at All Saints.
Derham Cook talks ‘After the resurrection’ as the last in the ‘Our God of suffering and rescuing’ series of sermons at the 09:00 service at St Andrew’s on Sunday 28th April 2019. Apologies. We only have a low quality video recording of this sermon.
Dave Bruce talks on Easter Sunday at the 10:45 service at St Andrew’s on the 21st April 2019.
Peter Myres speaks at our All Age Easter Day service at All Saints from John 20. The talk was split into three parts with some congregational participation between each part so not all of the talk was able to be captured.
Barry Austin preaches on Palm Sunday at the 10:45 service at St Andrew’s on Sunday 14th April 2019.
Peter Buchanan speaks on Palm Sunday (14th April) at All Saints from Luke 19 and Psalm 118.
Jacqui Green continues our series on ‘Our God of Suffering and Rescue’ by preaching at All Saints from John 12.
Dave Bruce reflects on Luke 5: 1 – 11 (The First Disciples) during the short service prior to the Annual Parochial Church Meeting at the 10:00 service at St Andrew’s on Sunday 7th April 2019. St Andrew’s Annual Parochial Church Meeting (APCM). You can read the following on our website (by clicking on the links below): Annual Review 2018 (3.5MB PDF). Annual…