Risk Assessments for joint events. In January 2019, the joint St Andrew’s and All Saints PCCs unanimously agreed that approval of risk assessments for all joint events (except those taking place at All Saints) will be delegated to St Andrew’s PCC and follow the approach outlined on this page. Any events for All Saints only, or joint events taking place at All Saints will remain the responsibility of All Saints PCC.
All Saints has a comprehensive Health & Safety Policy which ensures the health, safety and welfare of all who use the church building.
At least annually, the Churchwardens will carry out a Health and Safety Assessment of the church building and grounds. These assessments will look at all the issues relating to the normal use of the church e.g. services, youth groups and any outside groups using the church. They include consideration of parking, access, maintenance, emergency procedures and regular testing of key items. The latest PCC approved assessment (July 2024) can be downloaded as PDF file by clicking here.
A Risk Assessment for all regular activities that take place at All Saints has been developed and all users of the church are made aware of the resultant Health and Safety Rules which are posted in a prominent place in church.
However, there are a number of situations that are not covered by this general Risk Assessment. These include:
- All Saints Children’s and Youth Groups on trips away from church including transport arrangements and the location being visited
- All Saints events on areas like the common or the hills
- A one-off event at the church which may include an activity not covered by the general risk assessment
- A one-off event at the church which is organised by another user e.g. a private party
For these and similar events and activities, the organiser must ensure that an adequate risk assessment is undertaken and appropriate mitigation steps are put in place before the event can take place. These risk assessments include circumstances that could cause injury and preventative measures such as disclosures for those working with young people and vulnerable adults.
These risk assessments must be undertaken at least 2 weeks before the event and sent to the PCC Secretary for approval by the PCC (or as they decide appropriate) before the event can take place.
Note: Risk Assessments for events involving both All Saints and St Andrew’s churches will need to be approved by St Andrew’s PCC only.
All Saints has developed a standard Risk Assessment sheet (an Excel workbook available by clicking here). The event organiser is responsible for ensuring that an appropriate risk assessment is undertaken, mitigation/risk reduction actions are agreed as necessary and that all those involved with the event are made aware of them and put them into practice.
You can download a PDF copy of the Risk Management Policy for All Saints Church by clicking here