Life groups are a key part of life in the Chase Team. Many people take an active part in one of the groups or are linked to a group less formally for pastoral care.

Our weekly life group material can be downloaded by clicking here

The purpose of the groups is threefold:

UP: to encounter Jesus in worship, prayer, scripture and openness to the Holy Spirit. This may be linked to Sunday’s preaching.

IN: to support each other to grow as disciples, to build relationships with each other, to care for each other. We encourage each other, pray together and share together.

OUT: we encourage groups to have a missional focus, to identify our ‘frontlines’ in our family, work and social activities and to support each other to reach out to those who are not yet Christians.

The outworking of this looks different in each group. Groups meet weekly or fortnightly in different homes around the area or in the St Andrew’s Church Centre. There are currently one or more groups on each weekday night except Friday, two early morning groups for working members of the congregation and a Friday morning daytime group.

Val Fane co-ordinates Life Groups. If you would like to find out more about how you can join a group then get in touch with Val on (01684 566601) or email the the office at

Current Life Groups:


2.30pm Lucy Burton’s All Saints Group (usually at 134 Fruitlands)

We are a group of mature people who meet on a Monday afternoon to study, pray and discuss the relevant sermon topic. Our vision continues to be that we support each other and our associate members on our walk with Jesus and offer practical help and spiritual encouragement.

7:30pm Jo Hartwright’s Group (various locations)

We are an active group of senior – mainly retired – members of St Andrew’s who really enjoy meeting together each Monday evening to share the ups and downs of life and how God has met us and helped us as we have sought daily to live for Him and serve Him. We gain mutual strength in laughter, relaxation and sharing in scripture, study, worship and service. Prayer and loving kindness are central and we have a WhatsApp link to keep in touch during the week. We warmly welcome new members.

7:30pm Online ZOOM Life Group led by Sue Allbright and Mary Flynn

We welcome anyone who is unable to join in with a Life Group in person (because of health issues, family or carer commitments, difficulties getting out to a group or any other reason) by extending fellowship between our homes mostly on Zoom. We aim to share in prayer, support and encouragement of each other alongside deepening our understanding of our faith and journeying together.  We are happy to welcome people who might want to join as regular members or just for shorter periods of time, according to your changing circumstances.

7.45pm Helen Simpson’s Life Group (various locations)

We meet on Monday evenings at 7.45pm and are predominately working women who take it in turns to lead. We gather together to worship, pray, support and encourage each other as we navigate the ups and downs of busy lives by drawing strength from the Bible and applying the teaching to our daily lives. We also look forward to and enjoy spending two retreat days away together each year. Prayer is key and we support each other through WhatsApp during the week.


10:30am All Saints Life Group (Meeting at the Railway Inn) – led by Janet Finch and Janet Simmonds

At present we are a group of ladies who meet each Tuesday morning at The Railway Inn [next to All Saints church] and are extremely grateful to our friends there who open up early especially for us each week.   We take it in turns to ‘lead’ the group and to facilitate our discussions – although we certainly can’t be accused of ‘Tunnel Vision’ as we often divert on ‘Points’ – but we are always ‘on the Right Track’ – and try not to get ideas above our ‘Station’!!  We enjoy studying and working through the weekly Life Group notes and have lively and wide-reaching discussions on the questions as we seek to encourage one another in our walk with Jesus.  We also support each other both spiritually and practically as we spend some time in prayer each week for current world concerns, our friends and families and for each other.   We give a warm welcome to anyone who would like to join us.

10:30am coffee (for 11am start) – led by Peter & Margaret Buchanan, Geoff & June Vevers (meeting at All Saints Church)

Members come from both churches and we meet in All Saints, as we are slightly too big for most people’s lounges. Following the normal Life Group material, we consider the previous Sunday’s theme, perhaps exploring the Bible passage and sharing comments from the sermons. We generally break into smaller groups for part of the discussions and come together for feedback. Prayer for each other, the church and wider issues is sometimes in pairs, groups or all together. We also have a WhatsApp group for encouragement and prayer between meetings. Newcomers welcome.

7:30pm Darryl & Joy Greig’s Group

We are a group who have come to treasure spending our Tuesday evenings together. We focus on praying, on allowing ourselves to be confronted by the Word of God and being open and authentic with each other.

7:30pm The Octagon Community Group (The Octagon)

Coffee Shop Life group meets on the first and third Tuesday evenings of each month at the Octagon at 7pm. This group is for those involved in helping or attending Coffee Shop – a weekly community café in the Brook Farm Estate. Our Life group is focused around an Agape meal where we share food, life and faith.

7:45pm Graham Harvey’s group

This is a group with a heart and focus for the communities in which we live. We support each other through prayer and encourage each other to apply the Bible to our daily lives. It is a real encouragement to us all to hear how God is working in people’s lives and through them in the wider world. We generally follow the sermon series with discussion and prayer in our weekly meetings. We are always keen to welcome new members.

7:45pm Colin and Marion Robbins Group (Berry Lodge Farm)

We are a new group made up of a blend of older Christians and a number of folk who have recently completed the Alpha Course, some of whom have started their faith jouirney in the past 18 months.  We enjoy looking at scripture and discussing what it means for us in our daily lives, as well as sharing life & journeying together by praying for one another and seeking to know God in a deeper way.


7:45pm Heather Williamson’s Group

The membership of our group could be described as mature but diverse!  Two couples in our group have been going through sad and challenging times, so pastoral care and support is an important element of our shared life.  This has also caused us to pray together with increasing freedom.  We love digging into God’s word and applying it to our lives, cheering each other on as we see this happening.

7:45pm Ian and Carole Nicholls Group

Our group’s main purpose is to grow in faith and express it in day to day life. We share in open and honest ways with everyone’s contribution being valued. The members worship at both St Andrew’s and at All Saints churches, coming together to encourage one another with generous care and grace. There is a fun, friendly, family feel combined with the expectation of seeing evidence of our God’s love for us all, our communities and our nation.


7:30-8:30am Men at Work (Church Centre) – Led by Dave Bruce

A early morning men only group, particularly for those who are working. We share our news, reflect on the Bible together, pray and encourage each other to live for Jesus on our frontlines. We are all finished by 8:30am and then most of us head off to work. 

10:45am- 12noon Women’s group (at St Andrew’s) – led by Jasmine Hnatkova

A group of friendly women who meet to study the Bible together and encourage each other on our faith journeys. Pre school children are very welcome and toys are provided! If you have any questions about this group please contact Jasmine.

7:45pm Derham Cook & Judith Keene’s Group

Warm, friendly fellowship with enjoyable ,open discussion, applying God’s Word for today and with time to worship in words and music.
You are very welcome to give us a try!


10:30am-12:00pm ‘Faith on Friday’ (St Andrew’s Church Centre) with David and Lis Ritchie*

7.30pm – 9pm: Hélène Varley’s Group*

This ladies only group meets every two weeks, from 7.30 to about 9pm max. It is a place for fellowship, praying for each other, and delving into scripture and discussing what they mean for us. The groups purpose is one of edification and encouragement.  Facilitating more engagement with the Holy spirit, inviting Him to speak and listening to Him, seeking to discern what he has to say to each one of us so we become more familiar and at ease with “listening to His voice”.  


*These Life Groups meet fortnightly, the others meet weekly.

The Friday morning Life Group