Over the years we as a church have been hugely blessed by the generosity of congregation members in time, talents and financially. It is the generous and sacrificial giving of each and every person which enables us to ‘partner with God in the flourishing of our communities’ here in Malvern and beyond. Individual giving is far and away our main source of income, and over the years this has enabled us to provide the amazing facilities of our church centre and resources for our many different ministry areas. In addition we commit to tithing 10% of our overall giving to our different mission partners.

We believe that generosity is a key call of a disciple, and that we are first and foremost called to give generously because God has first given generously to us. The offering of our time, talents and money to God is a precious act of worship and a privilege and responsibility of God’s people.

So what are the benefits of giving?

  • Generous giving brings reward (2 Corinthians 9:6)
  • We experience God’s love and favour (2 Corinthians 9:8)
  • It results in praise to God – it is an act of worship (2 Corinthians 9:11)
  • People’s needs are met and is an act of unity (2 Corinthians 9:11,12, 14)
  • It is a witness to others (2 Corinthians 9:13)

What are the Biblical principles of giving?

  • Regularly & intentionally (1 Corinthians 16:2)… at set times, whether weekly, monthly, or yearly.
  • Individually (2 Corinthians 9:7)… everyone gets to participate, including children and young people. Whilst some may be able to give more and some less, ultimately God looks at the heart of the giver and not the amount (Luke 21:1-4).
  • Joyfully (2 Corinthians 9:7)… we are not to give reluctantly or with compulsion, but freely and gladly, for “God loves a cheerful giver.”
  • Generously and Sacrificially (2 Corinthians 8:7 & 9:6)… Paul talks about “excelling in the grace of giving,” encouraging us to step out into greater generosity and faith.
  • Proportionately (1 Corinthians 16:2)… “in keeping with your income.”
    Many Christians will use the Old Testament principle of a “tithe,” 10%, as a percentage to aim at, but whatever sacrificial step of faith we make in giving, whatever God calls us to give, God will honour our willingness.

How can I give?

There are different ways in which you can give including:

  • Parish Giving Scheme. If you are willing and able to give to us via bank transfer of funds, our preferred way for you to do this to give to All Saint or to St Andrew’s churches is via the Parish Giving Scheme. This UK national church run scheme is an efficient, zero cost to you (and us) way to give to tour churches here and is very easy to use to make a regular, or one off, payments. Please remember to check the gift aid box if you are able to do so and add to your giving this way.

For All Saints, please, please visit the Parish Giving Scheme for All Saints by clicking here.
For St Andrew’s, please visit the Parish Giving Scheme for St Andrew’s by clicking here.

The St Andrew’s bank account details are:
Credit Account:     PCC St Andrew’s Malvern
Account Number: 01127892
Sort Code:              30-95-41

  • Payroll Giving. Some choose to give through the various Charity Payroll giving schemes like Stewardship, CAF, JustGiving.
  • Wills and Legacies. Some also choose to include the church in their will by way of a legacy.
  • Giving – St Andrew’s. St Andrew’s offers:
    • An online, one off, payment approach for giving.
    • Using the Parish Giving Scheme which is a method of giving that aims to encourage generosity, efficiency and regularity in giving
    • If you have a Stewardship account or wish to create one, you can also donate this way online, as a one off or regularly.
    • Full details can be be found on our St Andrew’s payment page on this website.
    • We also have a tap and go payment machine for one off donations in the corridor at the Church Centre.
  • Giving – All Saints. All Saints offers:
    • An online, one off, payment approach for giving.
    • Using the Parish Giving Scheme which is a method of giving that aims to encourage generosity, efficiency and regularity in giving
    • Full details can be be found on our All Saints payment page on this website.
  • Giving – St Mary’s

If you are a UK taxpayer you can complete a Gift Aid declaration form which enables the church to reclaim 25p in every £1 of your donations.

Finance Team:

For further information about giving please do get in touch with one of the finance team:

Andy Lymer (St Andrew’s Treasurer) –  treasurer@standrewsmalvern.uk
Marion Robbins (St Andrew’s Book-keeper) – accounts@standrewsmalvern.uk

Paul Southern (All Saints Treasurer and Gift Aid Secretary) –  treasurer@allsaintsmalvern.co.uk