Kingdom Giving Month

April – a Kingdom Giving Month

“Seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well” (Matthew 6:33)

Click here for the Kingdom Giving Letter 2022

Click here for the Kingdom Giving Reply Slip2022 (which can be completed electronically and returned by email to one of our treasurers) in word or here for it in pdf.

  At our recent APCMs Dave updated the churches on two key items (you can watch Dave’s All Saints Rector’s Review here):

Megan’s Kitchen (click here to find out more) – A new kitchen and extra toilet at All Saints to improve facilities there

New Leadership Structures and 2 new Staffing Roles (click here to find out more) we are looking to recruit a full time Operations Manger and an Associate Community Minister/Associate Vicar to lead our outreach and mission.

We believe that both of these, are part of God’s vision for us as we move forward and will significantly enhance the mission and ministry that we can offer as St Andrew’s & All Saints.

How can you help?

In order to make these things happen we need to raise

  • £55k for Megan’s Kitchen as a one off capital project
  • Increase our reagular giving by £30k-£44k in order to be able to provide these two new staff roles.

We have been working closely with the Diocese of Worcester who have already generously agreed to reduce our current parish share by £20k (17%) on what we paid last year, and we are also receiving a grant from their ‘Healthier Churches Fund’ of £21k per year (for 2 years with a further £9k in years 3 and 4) for these new staffing roles.

We are therefore inviting everyone to prayerfully review their giving over the month of April as we launch our ‘Kingdom Giving Month’ and see how God may be calling you to

  • Increase your regular giving (or start giving regularly if you are not already doing so) to help fund these two new staff roles.
  • Give a one-off gift to enable Megan’s Kitchen to be built.

As we are increasingly working as ‘one church’, we are putting the same request out to individuals in both churches, and hope that together God will provide in both of these ways.

We are aware that this ask comes at a challenging time financially, and acknowledge that some may have to actually reduce their giving in this season, but we are encouraging each of us, to offer this prayerfully to the Lord and step out in faith that he will provide for our needs.

As churches we are committed to tithing 10% of our voluntary income to our Mission Partners each year as part of our ethos of being ‘Blessed to be a blessing.’ In 2022 we will commit to give an extra 10% of the total raised by Megan’s Kitchen giving and increased regular giving for staffing, to support Terry English’s church’s work with Ukrainian Refugees (see the photo of the new Ukrainian school left)

We’d love to invite everyone to compete and return the Kingdom Giving Reply Slip2022  either by puttting it in an envelope on the collection plate, on any of the Sundays between 3rd April and

 Sunday 1st May, or by returning the form by email to one of our treasurers by the end of April.  We’ll then feedback the response as soon as we can after that and we hope to then be in a position to advertise and recruit these new roles in May and June.

Thank you so much for your continued support of God’s work here in Malvern, and for your willingness to ‘sow generously’ to see God’s Kingdom grow in this place.

With our love and prayers,

Dave & The PCC

Treasurer’s Details:

Andy Lymer (St Andrew’s) e:

Paul Southern (All Saints) e: