We’re not able to meet to share in the ‘Waiting Room’ but we invite you all instead to wait with God at home at the time we would have done and so we wait ‘together but separate’.
How about having a Waiting room in your own house for half an hour??
If you can, do join us in your own home this Wednesday from 7-8 pm- maybe light a candle, or have some picture or `belonging` near you to help concentration. Feel free to do just a few minutes or even half an hour.
Maybe some words like: `Be still and know that I am God` will help to anchor your mind and heart.
Breathe deeper. Relax your body.
As we wait so we gain fresh strength: Isaiah 41(end): `Those who wait(`hope`) on the Lord shall renew their strength. they shall rise up on wings like eagles.
They shall run and not be weary. They shall walk and not faint`.
Good Waiting….and the Lord himself is `waiting` for us!
From Paul, Diana and the Waiting Room team.
For full details of The Waiting Room on our website, please click here.