A Maundy Thursday Journey
Thank you for joining us for this Maundy Thursday journey. Ruth Gould and a couple of other Regents’ students have put together 4 different monologues to help us reflect on the events of Maundy Thursday. We encourage you to set aside around an hour and take your time to journey through with us… and allow God to speak to you and meet you in this story. We encourage you to read through the scripture reading before each monologue and after each there is a suggested reflection and a prayer or song. But first here the invitation to encounter this story afresh…
Come and remember the love of Jesus,
gathered at table with his friends.
Come, receive the tender service Christ offers each of us;
We come to receive the challenge of the new commandment:
“Love one another.”
Come and contemplate the many temptations
of a world that would entice us, like Judas,
to betray the trust of a suffering God.
We come to travel with Jesus the way of the Cross,
so that our Easter “alleluia” will take on new meaning.
Let us worship together and reflect upon the life of Christ,
that we might remember
what discipleship may cost,
and what it may reap.
Sharing in the upper room (Last supper and foot washing) – John13:1-17, Matthew 26:20-30
In this video, we meet the daughter of the man whose house Jesus and his disciples ate in. She was excited to meet Jesus, but seeing him has a profound affect on who she believes the miracle worker to be…
You might like to respond using this interactive reflection by Helen Wilkinson which can be done individually or with others and is suitable for famlies and children. What is it like to be served and to serve others? Who do we serve? and who serves us?
Stop and be thankful.
Click below for the audio recording.
You will need: an apron, a washing up bowl, a container with soil or dirt in, a tea towel, paper and something to write with.
Christ Jesus,
You show us your servant heart, emptying yourself of all but love, kneeling at our feet, washing away all that clings. Give us grace to kneel with you, to bow our proud hearts, to empty ourselves of all false status, to serve a broken world in your name.
Agony in Gethsemane (Praying in the garden) – Matthew 26:36-46
In this video we meet a fictional young girl, played by Regents’ student Esther Griffin. The young girl likes the peace of the private garden, and often sneaks in to think. However, this night she was met by a group of men, not just any men, but Jesus and his disciples. Awestruck and frightened she can’t leave, but while she hides in the trees, she witnesses Jesus in his final hours of prayer, and is changed forever.
‘Yet not my will but yours…’
Where are you struggling to be obedient to God’s call at the moment? Pray that God would strengthen you to make His choices.
‘Stay here and keep watch with me…’
Who do you know who is suffering and in the midst of a difficult time?
Who might God be calling you to ‘stay awake and pray’ for? Pray for them now.
Listen and pray…
Stay with me (Taize)
The Arrest – Matthew 26:47-56
Here, we me Judas, telling of his involvement in the arrest of Jesus, reflecting on who Jesus is and the kindness he showed even in the midst of betrayal.
‘Peter drew his sword… Jesus commanded “Put your sword away”’
Are you prepared to stand up for Jesus?
How do you react when trouble and opposition comes – do you run away? Try and attack? Or do you seek God’s way forward?
Pray that God would show you how to react to difficult situations you are facing.
Father, on this, the night he was betrayed,
your Son Jesus Christ washed his disciples’ feet.
We commit ourselves to follow his example of love and service.
Lord, hear us and humble us.
On this night, he prayed for his disciples to be one.
We pray for the unity of your Church.
Lord, hear us and unite us.
On this night, he prayed for those who were to believe through his disciples’ message. We pray for the mission of your Church.
Lord, hear us and renew our zeal.
On this night, he commanded his disciples to love, but suffered rejection
himself. We pray for the rejected and unloved.
Lord, hear us and fill us with your love.
On this night, he reminded his disciples that if the world hated them,
it hated him first. We pray for those who are persecuted for their faith.
Lord, hear us and give us your peace.
On this night, he accepted the cup of death
and looked forward to the new wine of the kingdom.
We remember those who have died in the peace of Christ.
Lord, hear us and welcome all your children into paradise.
Peter’s denials in the courtyard – Matthew 26:69-75
We meet Peter, played by Regents’ student Jordan Hattee, as he tells of the night he denied knowing Jesus. He explains what drove him to his lie and challenges others to reflect on what they would do.
‘You are one of his disciples too aren’t you?’
Where are you afraid of admitting your allegiance to Jesus?
Say sorry to Him for the times you have denied him or not spoken up for him and pray he will give you strength and boldness to speak up for him in those places in the future.
Lord Jesus Christ,
we confess we have failed you as did your first disciples.
We ask for your mercy and your help.
Our selfishness betrays you:
Lord, forgive us. Christ have mercy.
We fail to share the pain of your suffering:
Lord, forgive us. Christ have mercy.
We run away from those who abuse you:
Lord, forgive us. Christ have mercy.
We are afraid of being known to belong to you:
Lord, forgive us. Christ have mercy.
And as you pray, remember that Jesus reinstated Peter three times after his resurrection and then sent him off to build his church.
Thank God that He takes us in our weaknesses and failures and still uses us to build his Kingdom.
And finish by listening to ‘Hear is love, vast as the ocean’ and thank God for all he has done for you.
This night is our calling to go into the world,
scattered to the ends of the earth
to love as Christ loved
and serve in the name of Christ.
It is our calling to remember,
even in our darkest hour,
who we are.
We remember that Christ is always with us.
And we remember that on this night,
we were taught how to love.
On this night, eternity begins
and the fullness of God’s Reign begins to spill into our lives.
So go into the world to give yourself for others,
in the name of Jesus Christ our Lord.
Go into the world and love
in the name of the One who loved you until the end.
It all begins and ends and begins again with Love.
That IS the story.