Sunday Groups across the Chase Team

Our Sunday groups are on every week: our heart is to first and foremost know each young person individually, and to build relationships with them. Secondly it is help them grow in their faith, through providing fun, interesting and challenging teaching around the Bible and the Christian faith. Thirdly is to show them what it means to share this message of God’s kingdom with their friends, families and schools.

We have two groups each Sunday, both of which meet at St Andrew’s:
Our Youth on a Sunday morning

Pathfinders (11-14 year olds)  meets on Sunday mornings during the 10:30am Service and together we look grow in our faith, looking at what the Bible has to say for our lives today and exploring that with games, challenges, crafts and discussion!


CHAOS (14-18 year olds) – meets on Sunday evenings from 5:45 until 7:30, with chocolate (and strawberry) beverages of different temperatures throughout the year! We have fun together playing games and reflecting on the Bible and what it means to follow Jesus.

CHAOS in it to win it

Midweek Groups

For younger youth Further runs in collaboration with the Beacon on Wednesday nights during the school term. This is for young people from across Malvern who already have a faith, a space to ask questions and  learn and grow together to live for Jesus in our wider contexts across Malvern.

Consent forms and more details for all of these events are available from Nathan Shipton, our Youth Ministry Leader (

We love welcoming new people so get in touch!


Our previous Youth Minister Eddy finished in Summer 2021 to go off to ordination training at Cambridge.