Past Events (Page 18)

The Six on Tour

The Six on Tour New Wine Regional Celebration On Sunday 30 October The Six will be joining the New Wine regional celebration taking place at All Saints Church in Worcester. All are welcome. Meet in in the car park at St Andrew’s at 5pm to share cars/ have a lift, or simply see you there!…

Bring and Share Lunch

Please join us for a bring and share lunch in the hall at St Andrew’s after the 10.30 service. Please bring a pudding, main course or salad (enough for your household plus a little bit more). Terry and Hanka English will share a little bit more about their work over lunch.  All Welcome!

Men’s Breakfast

First Saturday of the month, come and enjoy fellowship with other men over Breakfast. All Men welcome, no need to book, just turn up.

Messy Church

3rd Thursday of each month at All Saints  Church but not as you know it, with fun and faith for all the family, a place we come together to encounter and celebrate God through stories, songs, crafts, activities and food! For more information contact Helen Attree our Children and Families Ministry Leader.

The Waiting Room

Come and experience ‘The Waiting Room’ which takes place on the third Wednesday of each month. This is an open hour for any one wanting to explore and be led into the presence of God. In the first few minutes someone leads us into the stillness. Then there is half an hour for us to…

Traidcraft Stall

Buying Fair Trade Products and Gifts makes such a difference to the partners Traidcraft buys from in Africa, Asia and Latin America, especially in these very challenging times.

Women’s Breakfast / Coffee Morning

Third Saturday of the month, come and enjoy fellowship with other women over Coffee and Breakfast. All women welcome, no need to book, just turn up.

Men’s Breakfast

First Saturday of the month, come and enjoy fellowship with other men over Breakfast. All Men welcome, no need to book, just turn up.

The Waiting Room

Come and experience ‘The Waiting Room’ which takes place on the third Wednesday of each month. This is an open hour for any one wanting to explore and be led into the presence of God. In the first few minutes someone leads us into the stillness. Then there is half an hour for us to…