Wednesday 25th December 10:30am – Christmas Day All Age Celebration – An all age contemporary celebration on Christmas morning. Young children are invited to bring one of their presents to show! The service will be about an hour and there will be an informal and short commmunion service for anyone who wants to stay on afterwards.
Wednesday 25th December 10am – Christmas Day Communion Service – A more traditional Holy Communion Service on Christmas Day with a short talk and carols.
Tuesday 24th December 7pm – Carols by Candlelight 2 – Our main Carol Services for all ages, with traditional carols and readings, a short talk, choir items and something a little different. Come and join the festivities as we celebrate the good news of Christmas by candlelight on Christmas Eve. We will have two services…
Tuesday 24th December 5pm – Carols by Candlelight 1 – Our main Carol Services for all ages, with traditional carols and readings, a short talk, choir items and something a little different. Come and join the festivities as we celebrate the good news of Christmas by candlelight on Christmas Eve. We will have two services…
Tuesday 24th December 3pm – Messy Christmas Our Christmas Messy Church especially for primary children and their families. Crafts (including making your Christmas table decoration), hear the Christmas story again, songs and simple refreshments. A great way to entertain excited children on Christmas Eve.
Sunday 22nd December 10.30am – Pop-Up Nativity Great fun for all ages. Come and join our pop up nativity play – and anyone who wants to come and dress up and join in is very welcome. Come dressed as one of the naticity characters or borrow one of our own costumes. The service will last about…
Sunday 22nd December 10am – Informal ‘Carols of Praise’ A new service for this year – come and hear people share stories about their favourite carols as we sing them together on the Sunday before Christmas.
Thursday 19th December 11am – Hope in the Darkness reflective service Will Christmas be a difficult time of year for you this year? This special service is a quieter service which acknowledges the many struggles people have during this season – grief, depression, separation, debt – and seeks to provide a more reflective space to…
Sunday 15th December 4pm – Christingle Service Our popular ‘cafe style’ Christingle Service – come and make your own Christingle whilst we hear again its meaning and at the end of the service we gather around to light the christingles and sing Away in a Manger. Followed by refreshments afterwards.
Sunday 15th December 10am – Traditional Carol Service Our All Saints Carol service with traditional carols and readings and a short talk. Followed by refreshments afterwards