A Prayer for the Queen

A Prayer from the Church of England: Gracious God, we give thanks for the life of your servant Queen Elizabeth, for her faith and her dedication to duty. Bless our nation as we mourn her death and may her example continue to inspire us; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. Copyright the Church of England

Thy Kingdom Come Week of Prayer 22-29 May

Thy Kingdom Come begins for us on Sunday 22nd May (which is a few days early), where we join with our Christian family across the globe in praying ‘Thy Kingdom Come;’ and with so much to pray for, we pray you will be inspired to get involved! There will be prayers at All Saints, St…

Kingdom Giving Month

April – a Kingdom Giving Month “Seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well” (Matthew 6:33) Click here for the Kingdom Giving Letter 2022 Click here for the Kingdom Giving Reply Slip2022 (which can be completed electronically and returned by email to one of our treasurers)…

Megan’s Kitchen

Megan’s Kitchen Paul Southern’s update at the APCM on Megan’s Kitchen can be seen here. All Saint’s church has a tiny kitchenette and a single toilet and these are quite limiting in how we are able to use the building to serve our community.  In particular, some of the ideas we have had for attracting…

APCM updates & new leadership structures

At our APCMs Dave outlined in his Rector’s Review some really important changes ahead for leadership and staffing of our churches. You can watch his Rectors’ Review at St Andrew’s APCM here. which gives more information than below. A summary of what he said, with diagrams of the new structurs, can be downloaded here: Oversight…

Lent – An invitation to be transformed

  Lent – An invitation to be transformed by God Lent begins on Ash Wednesday – Wednesday 2nd March – and we’ll be having a special Ash Wednesday Service at 7pm at All Saints to begin this season together. Lent is a season where we are invited to take time away from some of the distractions of…

CAP update February 2022

CAP Malvern in 2022 – How can you be involved? The last couple of years have been a considerable challenge for people in our community. With the prayer support and generosity from Believers across the town and God’s blessings we have seen positive impacts in so many ways.  So firstly please join me in celebrating:…