Thy Kingdom Come Week of Prayer 22-29 May

Thy Kingdom Come begins for us on Sunday 22nd May (which is a few days early), where we join with our Christian family across the globe in praying ‘Thy Kingdom Come;’ and with so much to pray for, we pray you will be inspired to get involved!

There will be prayers at All Saints, St Andrews, the Octagon, online, at home and a prayer walk. ‘The Sanctuary’ will be in the Chapel with prayer stations around the centre at St Andrew’s.

Here is Dave sharing a little about what is happening in a short video you can watch here.


Life Groups – why not meet at St Andrews this week?

The plan for the week is as follows:

St Andrew’s Centre and Chapel will be open from 8am till 8pm Monday to Saturday for individuals, couples, and families to come and pray. You can come anytime to use the prayer stations, and can book a half hour slot for you to be in ‘The Sanctuary’ in our chapel, (8am til 8pm) on our online booking sheet here. You can also sign up there to pray at home between 8pm and 8am. But do drop into the centre anytime (booking is only for ‘The Sanctuary’).

We have made some special ‘prayer cards’ which will be outside on the railings and inside for anyone to write a special prayer request on and we’ll then display these in ‘The Sanctuary’ to be prayed for throughout the week.

There will also be several communal times of prayer:

Sunday 22nd  4-5pm Prayers at the Octagon

Monday 23rd 9-10am St Andrews. Led Prayers. ‘Love and Agape’. Led by Claire Jackson

Tuesday 24th 9.45am for 10am start. Meet at St Andrew’s for 1 hour Prayer Walk. Led by Mike Pedrick.

Wednesday 25th 9-9:30am Prayers All Saints

Thursday 26th Ascension Day

3-4pm All Saints ‘The Ascension Day Waiting Room’. Led by Susan Crumpler

7-7.30 pm Prayers on Zoom Link here

Friday 27th 9-9:45am Prayers at St Andrew’s

Do come and join us and pray ‘Thy Kingdom Come’