Our new curate Peter Myres arrived at the end of June and his first Sunday with us was Sunday 1st July. On Saturday 30th June 2018 he was ordinated at Worcester Cathedral. You can see how happy he was in the picture alongside – he is just behind the Bishop of Worcester (John Inge).
You can read more about the ordination of 14 Deacons and Priests on the 30th June on the Diocese website by clicking here.
Here is a little message from him as he and his family prepared to arrive:
Hello St Andrew’s, All Saints and St Mary’s! My family and I are extremely excited about joining you and being a part of what God is doing amongst you and in the local community.
Here is a little about us as a family; Alice (9yrs) can’t wait to move and particularly loves gymnastics, James (15ys) is working towards his GCSEs and loves his sport particularly tennis and cricket, Pippa (18yrs) is training to be a ballet dancer at the Central School of Ballet in London, and Charlotte (19yrs) starts at Exeter University in September, and Emma, who loves walking, is looking forward to having easy access to the great outdoors and the Malvern Hills, being led by a dog if our children get their way! A little of what excites me is to participate in God’s work in the healing and transformation of individuals, families and communities through the power and love of Jesus Christ, and seeing people flourish in all that God has made them to be. This is a big change for us having been in London for most of our lives, so we’d love your prayers for a smooth transition and that James and Alice settle easily into their new schools. Thank you for welcoming us into your church family, we look forward to journeying with you in the coming years.