St Andrew’s APCM: Sunday 11th October 2020 11:15am
The St Andrew’s Annual Parochial Church Meeting (APCM) will take place on Sunday 11th October at 11:15am (after a short act of worship which will start at 10:30am). The meeting will be in person at St Andrew’s and on ZOOM. (The ZOOM details will appear here nearer the time for those wanting to join us that way).
This is APCM that we had to postpone back in April and we will be a looking back at 2019 and electing the new churchwardens, PCC and Deanery Synod reps.
Papers for the meeting:
- St Andrew’s APCM 2020 agenda
- St Andrew’s 2019 APCM Minutes
- St Andrew’s Annual Report & Accounts 2019
- St Andrews & All Saints Annual Review 2019
Nomination forms:
Please return all completed nomination forms to the church office or Ruth Lucas the PCC Secretary.
If you want to receive paper copies of the above they can either be picked up at church or sent by post.
If you would like to vote by post if you cannot attend in person or ZOOM then please contact Sarah in the office and she will let you know how you can do this.
Some highlights of Mission and Ministry in 2019 – Celebrating what God has done!
Here are some highlights of work we’ve been involved in during 2019.
CAP Malvern
Youth Alpha at the Chase School run by Eloise and others:
The Octagon Coffee Shop:
Messy Church at All Saints: