Our Online services each week:
We are continuing to make available online recorded services each week as follows:
- A recording of our 10:30 Sunday St Andrew’s Contemporary Service which is normally available sometime each Sunday afternoon.
- A live-stream recording of the 10:00 All Saints Service (normally including Holy Communion) available as it happens or later.
To access these services just do one of the following:
- Just click on the relevant service on the home page of our website (latest 3 shown).
- Go to the ‘Sermons and Services’ page on our website here and select the relevant service (goes back 3 years).
- Go to our YouTube Channel at link: www.youtube.com/c/StAndrewsandAllSaints.
Our ‘in-person’ services each week:
We are currently holding a Sunday ‘in-person’ service in each church. These services are socially distanced services and we encourage people to wear face coverings.
- 10:00 All Saints
- 10:30 St Andrew’s
- 18:00 St Andrew’s
In addition we have a mid-week service at 11:00 each Thursday at St Andrew’s
Further details of this week’s services can be found here