The Happiness Lab ONLINE
Starts Monday 2nd November 2020 7:15pm on ZOOM
In this current difficult time, increasing numbers of people in our communities are struggling with life’s pressures, loneliness, depression and anxiety, and we as the church, want to offer support and help in this. Therefore, starting in November, we are running a course called the ‘Happiness Lab’ online on ZOOM. The Happiness Lab is a 6 week course which explores what psychologists, doctors and faith leaders have to say about happiness, and gives practical suggestions and exercises of how to put the experts’ theory into into practice. It comes highly recommended for helping individuals ‘live well.’
You can see a promotional video of the course here:
If you would like any further details about the course then please e-mail .
You can book onto the course online by completing the form below. Once submitted you will receive a confirmation e-mail.