We’re really sad to be saying farewell to Eddy and Hannah as they move to Cambridge for Eddy to start ordination training.
They (and now Oliver too) have been such a blessing to us in the three years that they have been with us and we have so appreciated their ministry and simply their presence among us.
We’ll be saying goodbye to them on Sunday 29th August where we will be dedicating Oliver in the service and Eddy will be doing a final preach, after which we’ll celebrate with a hog roast, bouncy castle and crazy golf… so come and join us for that!
12:15 Lunch begins
Crazy Golf and bouncy castle
13:30 Speeches and Presentations
Ice Cream!
14:30 Clear Up
Eddy’s Message to the church:
Eddy has written a message to the church which can be downloaded here: Letter to Church and Form
The Diocese will fund their training, but if you would like to offer them additional fiancial support you can do so here: Eddy Stewardship Form.