The St Andrew’s and All Saints Coronavirus Plan (19th March 2020), including a video from Dave, can be viewed by clicking here.
Coronavirus support: Online resources and help
We are currently in the process of formulating our plan and support, and this will be updated in the next couple of days.
The current situation is that the Church of England has suspended all corporate acts of worship so there will be no Sunday services at our churches for the foreseeable future. However, we are going to provide a recording or live-streaming of a service each Sunday and this will be available here on the website.
In addition we have a range of resources to help you continue daily prayer and scripture reading and growing in faith. These can be found here. There is a useful booklet produced by another church for prayers at this time which you can download prayers during coronavirus pandemic
We are also doing all we can to support all those in our community at this time and more details of how you can get involved will follow. We are currently looking for the following volunteers
- People to offer support to those in isolation (shopping, phone calls, other errands etc.)
- People to be pastoral coordinators
- People to support mobilising prayer & praying for prayer needs
- People to do a short video testimony which we want to share out over the next few weeks to keep us connected.
- People who can offer to volunteer at the Foodbank which is now chronically understaffed.
If you can help with any of these please email the church office (
Poolbrook Cafe are seeking to provide meals at this time for people self-isolating and need people to help deliver the meals. Please get in direct contact with Alison at Poolbrook Cafe.
If you currently need any support (whther you are a member of our church or the community) please do contact the Rector ( or phone the church office (01684 576582). If you are self-isolating, on your own, or ill then please do let us know so we can offer support.
We will be having daily times of prayer to pray for our community and for individuals at this time. If you have anything that you would like us to pray for you about then please email any requests through to (which will be prayed for confidentially by a small group of people daily) or do use the usual prayer chain.
More to follow, but more than anything, please et us keep connecting in our isolation – with others and with God and looking to Him remembering He is our rock and refuge.
With our prayers and love,
Dave and the leadership teams