Elaine’s Poem of Transformation

Elaine’s Poem of Transformation

Elaine is someone a few of the church family have had the privilege of getting to know over the last year though some of the church ministries. She has been on an exciting journey of faith and this continues to unfold in unexpected ways.  Recently, she expressed a desire to start writing again, but because of arthritis holding a pen for any time was difficult.  Through the Blessing Team Colin sourced an old PC and printer and Nick and Tim got it going again.  Colin and Tim set it all up for her a couple of weeks ago with a table and chair.  Elaine has started to write poetry about her experience of discovering faith over the past year and the transformation that this has brought, and what she has produced is really moving.

Thank you so much Elaine for sharing this moving testimony with us. We thank God for you!


Friday 2nd April 2021

Today the sun is shining along with my heart and soul

And I thank the Lord for my new friends, who saved me from my sad madness.  In the Lord’s name I now appreciate the Love that is invisible; unless you believe!

So much sadness and loneliness taking me in and out of nowhere; so many doubts and fears accumulated throughout the years which easily added to my heavy mind!

And the pain held me so tight, that I couldn’t breathe.  Leaving me even more alone and unable to trust the unknown, and recognise the obvious anger, within me, along with the unseen which I now know to be the devil’s work, as he tried to capture my soul.

The thoughts which he encased in me; encouraging me to disbelieve the Lord’s Love and goodness; which is right in front of me for all to see!

My soul and heart, now cleansed, my future a reality of light and goodness.  And my past; a thing of nightmares which I no longer fear or cry over!