St Andrew’s APCM – Sunday 18th April
The St Andrew’s APCM is on Sunday 18th April on ZOOM at 11.15am. The ZOOM code for the meeting is as follows:
Meeting ID: 844 8393 0803 Passcode: standrews or click here
We will provide short pre-recorded services which will be available on our YouTube Channel on Sunday morning too which you can watch beforehand.
We are keen that as many people as possible from St Andrew’s can join us as we’re going to have a discussion time reflecting back on the last year and beginning to explore the way ahead as we move forward in the coming months.
If you are not able to attend the meeting online, then you can vote by proxy. Further details to follow.
There are 2 vacancies for PCC. If you are interested in being on the PCC please contact Dave or Sarah. Nomination forms are below.
There are also 2 vacancies for Deanery Synod representatives. Nomination forms below.
Papers for the APCM
Andy Lymer’s Treasurer’s Report video can be viewed here:
- St Andrew’s APCM 2021 Agenda
- St Andrew’s and All Saints Annual Review 2020
- St Andrew’s Trustees Annual Report 2020
- St Andrew’s 2020 Annual Accounts
- Eddy’s Review of Youth Activities of the last 3 years for APCM
- St Andrew’s APCM 2020 minutes
- Nomination form for PCC
- Nomination form for Deanery Synod